Feb 28, 2019
The Challenge In his mid-50s, the Tucson–area Army Veteran had been homeless for 30 years. He was among the small population of Veterans whose history of legal and justice involvement severely limits housing options and can perpetuate homelessness. The Veteran’s criminal history and his untreated mental health and substance use issues led him to disengage […]
Feb 28, 2019
The Challenge John is a soft spoken, gentle and thoughtful person from New Hampshire. He joined the Navy at age 18 and served 5 years with an honorable discharged at age 23. He came back with some physical wear and tear. Upon discharge, he enrolled in engineering school in community college for one year, but […]
Feb 28, 2019
The Challenge Michael was a Los Angeles-area Veteran who’d fallen hard times. For 10 years, he lived primarily under a bridge along the Los Angeles River. When Michael was first approached by outreach workers from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Mental Health America (MHA) of Los Angeles, a VA grantee under the Supportive […]
Feb 19, 2019
Fewer than 600 veterans were homeless on a given night in January 2018 in Clark County, according to newly released data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The HUD report is fresh evidence that the work underway by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and its federal and community partners […]
Feb 19, 2019
Lying on a central valley sidewalk, wrapped head to toe in a blue sleeping bag this brisk evening, a person stretches and adjusts. With little disturbance — only footsteps and quiet chatter — volunteers added the bundled-up adult to the annual homeless census late Tuesday and continued their search. The count — which was expected […]
Feb 19, 2019
The cost of building the city of Las Vegas’ courtyard for the homeless continues to climb as the “scope and site” of the ambitious project expand. The Las Vegas City Council this week approved another piece of the puzzle, voting without discussion to increase the budget to design the facility from $752,469 to $1.3 million. […]